Structuring Your Week With Ayurveda

In the hustle and fast paced flow of modern life, finding balance and harmony can sometimes feel like an elusive goal. However, by turning to ancient wisdom such as Ayurveda, Jyotish and Vedic principles, we can discover a roadmap for structuring our weeks in a way that aligns with the natural rhythms of life. From honoring the energies of different days to incorporating mindful practices and nourishing foods, let's explore how we can live more intentionally and in harmony with the elements throughout the week.

One of the key aspects of the Vedic calendar is its connection to the planets and the days of the week. Each day of the week is associated with a specific planet in Vedic astrology, which influences the energy and qualities of that day. Here's how the connection between the planets and the days of the week is represented in the Vedic calendar.

Monday - Moon

Embracing the Cooling Energy of the Moon

Astrological forces: the Moon

In western culture we traditionally think of Monday as the beginning of the week and treat it as a day for productive work. In reality, Monday, under the influence of the Moon, or “Chandra” in Sanskrit, invites us to tap into the calming and nurturing qualities of Kapha and Vata. Rather than succumbing to the pressure to jump-start the week with high energy, Vedic wisdom encourages us to approach Mondays with gentleness and introspection.

In Vedic astrology, the Moon holds significant importance as it governs emotions, intuition, and the subconscious mind. The Moon is associated with nurturing, sensitivity, and receptivity. It represents the mother, maternal instincts, and our emotional well-being.

The Moon rules over the zodiac sign of Cancer and is exalted in Taurus. It influences our moods, habits, and instincts, shaping our responses to the world around us.


Mondays are ideal for practicing mindfulness and introspection. Take time to connect with your emotions, thoughts, and intuition. Engage in activities such as journaling, meditation, or quiet contemplation to deepen your self-awareness and inner peace. Engage in practices that support emotional well-being, such as therapy, counseling, or spending time in nature.

Yoga Asana
Enjoy nourishing practices like yin, yoga Nidra, lunar vinyasa and restorative yoga. Incorporate forward folds and low to the ground hip opener postures to ground and connect with the earth element.

In terms of diet, opt for hydrating and easily digestible foods like kitchari, soups, and nourishing teas to support your body's need for comfort and replenishment. Enjoy foods that provide nourishment and comfort to the body and soul. Choose hearty and warming meals like soups, stews, or casseroles that soothe the senses and satisfy the appetite.

Color Therapy
Wear white, silver and light cooling colors.

Tuesday - Mars

Harnessing the Fiery Energy of Mars

Astrological forces: Mars

As Mars governs Tuesdays, the energy of Pitta intensifies, fueling our courage and determination. Seize this day as an opportunity to tackle challenges head-on and embark on endeavors that require bravery and resilience.

In Vedic astrology, Mars is considered a fiery and assertive planet, often associated with energy, action, and ambition. It governs the signs of Aries and Scorpio. Mars represents qualities such as courage, determination, and strength. It is also linked to physical vitality, drive, and passion.


Tuesdays are ideal for taking bold and courageous actions. Step outside of your comfort zone, take risks, and pursue your goals with determination and confidence. Use Mars' assertive energy to overcome challenges and obstacles in pursuit of your ambitions.

Mars represents passion and desire. Dedicate time on Tuesdays to pursue activities that ignite your passion and enthusiasm. Whether it's pursuing a hobby, creative project, or personal goal, channel Mars' fiery energy into activities that fuel your passion and drive.

Yoga Asana
Engage in vigorous physical activities and exercises that invigorate the body and mind. Consider activities like running, cycling, martial arts, or high-intensity interval training (HIIT) to channel Mars' dynamic energy. Enjoy solar vinyasa practice, linear yoga practices like ashtanga vinyasa, and incorporate deep twisting and hand balancing.

When it comes to nourishment, choose foods that ignite your inner fire like fresh ginger tea and cooked vegetables with cumin coriander and fennel. Support the mind with Brahmi (Gotu kola) and tulsi tea for concentration and cognitive function.

Enjoy foods that boost energy levels and promote stamina. Choose nutrient-dense foods that provide sustained energy, such as lean proteins, complex carbohydrates, and healthy fats.

Incorporate iron-rich foods into your diet to support red blood cell formation and oxygen transport. Enjoy foods like red meat, spinach, lentils, and beans, to boost your iron intake.

Color Therapy
Wear red and orange

Wednesday - Mercury

Cultivate Equilibrium

Astrological forces: Mercury

Midweek, governed by Mercury, offers a blend of energies from all three Doshas, fostering equilibrium and flow. Use Wednesdays as a time for reflection and refinement, allowing the momentum of the week to carry you forward steadily.

In Vedic astrology, Mercury is associated with intellect, communication, commerce, and versatility. It rules over Gemini and Virgo, representing qualities such as adaptability, analytical thinking, and communication skills. Mercury governs our ability to process information, make decisions, and express ourselves effectively.


Dedicate time on Wednesdays to engage in intellectual pursuits that stimulate your mind and expand your knowledge. Read books, listen to podcasts, or engage in stimulating conversations to nourish your intellect.

Wednesdays are ideal for honing your communication skills and fostering effective interpersonal connections. Practice active listening, articulate your thoughts clearly and concisely, and engage in meaningful dialogue with others to improve your communication abilities.

Embrace practices such as journaling to gain insights and clarity on your journey. Maintain a balanced approach to both work and relaxation to optimize productivity and well-being. Mercury also rules the skin, so today is a great day to focus on skin care.

Yoga Asana
Focus on balancing postures and dynamic movement between two shapes that create rhythm and balance, such as moving between a standing backbend and a forward fold.

Each a tridoshic meal that incorporates all 6 tastes - sweet, sour, salty, pungent, bitter and astringent

Since Mercury represents intellect and mental agility, enjoy foods that support cognitive function and brain health. Incorporate foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids, antioxidants, and vitamins and minerals that nourish the brain. Examples include wild salmon, nuts and seeds, berries, leafy greens, and whole grains.

Practice mindful eating on Wednesdays to fully appreciate and savor the flavors and textures of your food. Pay attention to the sensory experience of eating, chew slowly and mindfully, and cultivate gratitude for the nourishment provided by your meals.

Color Therapy
Wear green

Thursday - Jupiter

Grounding with the Stability of Jupiter

Astrological forces: Jupiter

Thursday, ruled by Jupiter, introduces the stabilizing influence of Kapha, offering a sense of grounding and endurance.

In Vedic astrology, Jupiter is considered the planet of wisdom, knowledge, expansion, and spirituality. It is associated with growth, abundance, and good fortune. Jupiter governs the signs of Sagittarius and Pisces, bringing qualities such as optimism, generosity, and a philosophical outlook on life. Jupiter's influence encourages us to seek higher truths, broaden our horizons, and embark on spiritual journeys.


Jupiter is associated with spirituality, wisdom, and expansion of consciousness. Dedicate time on Thursdays to explore spiritual teachings, practices, and philosophies that resonate with you. Engage in meditation, prayer, or contemplative practices to deepen your connection with the divine and expand your spiritual awareness.

Jupiter encourages higher learning, knowledge acquisition, and intellectual growth. Use Thursdays as an opportunity to pursue formal education, enroll in courses or workshops, or engage in self-study to expand your knowledge and broaden your horizons.

Yoga Asana
Explore expansive poses like hanumanasana (front splits) and vishvamitrasana. Incorporate dynamic exercises like calisthenics, pilates, or vigorous yoga asana to keep your energy flowing and prevent stagnation.

Opt for lighter, nourishing meals to support your body's need for vitality and balance. Incorporate the bitter taste into your meals - cooked kale, bitter gourd, leafy greens and Brussels sprouts.

Color Therapy
Wear yellow and gold

Friday - Venus

Cultivating Creativity and Sensuality

Astrological forces: Venus

Under the influence of Venus, Fridays invite us to indulge in creativity and sensory experiences. Embrace your artistic side by engaging in activities that stimulate your senses, such as exploring nature, experimenting with fashion, or enjoying music and art. Cultivate a sense of pleasure and relaxation as you unwind from the week's endeavors, nurturing your body and spirit.

In Vedic astrology, Venus is known as "Shukra" and holds a prominent place among the celestial bodies. It represents love, beauty, harmony, and sensual pleasures. Venus is associated with romance, relationships, art, creativity, and luxury.

Venus governs the signs of Taurus and Libra. It embodies qualities such as elegance, refinement, and aesthetic appreciation. Venus influences our social interactions, sense of style, and desire for comfort and pleasure.


Engage in creative pursuits such as painting or playing music. Indulge in sensory experiences that bring pleasure and enjoyment. This could involve treating yourself to a spa day, enjoying a delicious meal at a fancy restaurant, or surrounding yourself with beautiful scents and flowers. Spend time with loved ones, friends, or romantic partners. Indulge in beauty and self care practices.

Yoga Asana
Explore free from moving meditation practices like ecstatic dance and contact improv.

Indulge in pleasurable foods like chocolate covered strawberries. Enjoy aphrodisiac and sexual nourishing foods like okra, figs, almond (soaked), dates and herbs like ashwagandha and shatavari.

Color Therapy
White and light pastel shades like pink, purple and blue.

Saturday - Saturn

Build Resiliency with Saturn

Astrological forces: Saturn

As the weekend unfolds, Saturday is governed by Saturn and is associated with discipline and structure. Use Saturdays to establish or reaffirm a structured routine for the day. Plan your tasks and activities methodically, prioritizing responsibilities and commitments.

Saturn, known as "Shani" in Sanskrit, is considered a significant celestial body with profound influence in astrology.

Saturn represents discipline, responsibility, structure, and endurance. It governs areas related to hard work, perseverance, limitations, and karmic lessons. Saturn rules over the zodiac signs of Capricorn and Aquarius. It is associated with qualities such as patience, wisdom, and maturity. Overall, Saturn's reveals the importance of discipline, hard work, and resilience in achieving success and personal growth.


Service - Saturn represents duty and responsibility towards others. Consider volunteering your time and skills to support charitable causes or community initiatives. Engaging in acts of service can foster a sense of purpose and fulfillment on Saturdays.

Saturn encourages introspection and self-reflection. Take time on Saturdays to contemplate your goals, values, and long-term plans. Journaling, meditation, or quiet solitude can be helpful practices for deepening self-awareness and gaining clarity.

Yoga Asana
Saturn emphasizes endurance and perseverance. Engage in physical activities that challenge you to push through limitations and build strength. Consider activities like weightlifting, yoga, or long walks that promote physical resilience and discipline.

Saturn is associated with nourishment and sustenance. Enjoy hearty and wholesome meals that provide sustenance and comfort. Incorporate root vegetables like carrots, sweet potatoes, and beets, as well as whole grains like barley, quinoa, and brown rice into your meals.

Color Therapy
Wear dark colors such as black, dark blue, and charcoal gray.

Sunday - Sun

Igniting the Flame of Passion

Astrological forces: Sun

Sunday, the day governed by the Sun, radiates with the energy of Pitta Dosha – embodying passion, power, and vitality. Embrace this fiery energy by engaging in activities that invigorate your spirit, such as a brisk run, a challenging hike, or a vigorous yoga practice.

In the Vedic calendar and astrology, the Sun, known as "Surya" in Sanskrit, holds a significant position. The Sun is revered as a symbol of vitality, power, and illumination. In Vedic astrology, the Sun rules over the zodiac sign of Leo and is associated with the "Atman" or the soul. The sun governs, vitality & energy, leadership & authority, spirituality and power.


Spend time outdoors and bask in the sunlight. Engage in activities that connect you with nature, such as going for a walk, hike, or bike ride.

The Sun represents creativity and self-expression. Dedicate time on Sundays to pursue creative endeavors that bring you joy and fulfillment. Plan gatherings, social events, or family activities that allow you to bond and share quality time together.

Yoga Asana
Start your Sunday with a series of Sun Salutations, a full body offering to the sun. This sequence of poses helps to energize the body, increase flexibility, and cultivate a sense of vitality and radiance.

Choose energizing foods like fresh fruits, whole grains, nuts, seeds, and lean proteins to start your day on a vibrant note.

Yellow and orange foods are associated with the Sun's energy. Incorporate fruits and vegetables like oranges, lemons, mangoes, papayas, carrots, and bell peppers into your meals to harness the Sun's vitality and brightness.

Color Therapy
Red, orange and yellow.

The Vedic calendar provides a profound connection between celestial movements and our daily lives. By understanding the planetary influences on each day of the week, we can harness specific energies to enhance our activities and promote overall well-being. From the nurturing energy of the Moon on Mondays to the fiery determination of Mars on Tuesdays, each day offers unique opportunities for growth, creativity, and self-discovery.

Through practices such as Sādhanā, yoga asana, mindful eating, and color therapy, we can align ourselves with the cosmic energies of the Vedic calendar and cultivate balance, resilience, and vitality in our lives. By embracing the wisdom of the ancients and honoring the cyclical nature of existence, we can navigate the challenges of modern life with grace and ease. Let us embrace the gifts of the Vedic calendar and embark on a journey of self-discovery, growth, and transformation.


Tejas - Flame of Intelligence


Winter Season Yoga Asana