Summer Season Yoga Asana

Embracing Coolness: The Harmonious Dance of Cooling and Restorative Yoga Poses in Pitta Season

As summer's warmth envelops the earth, the energy of Pitta season brings its hot, sharp, and intense qualities to the forefront. In the realm of yoga, summer becomes an ideal time to explore cooling and restorative poses. These asanas not only help us maintain physical vitality but also harmonize the Pitta dosha, promoting balance and tranquility during the hotter months.

Cooling the Body and Mind with Forward Bends

Forward bending poses, such as Paschimottanasana (Seated Forward Bend) and Uttanasana (Standing Forward Bend), are essential during Pitta season. These poses gently stretch the spine and calm the nervous system, offering a respite from the intensity of summer. The soothing nature of forward bends helps cool the body, reducing internal heat and calming the mind.

Soothing the Nervous System:

Forward bends provide a gentle compression to the abdominal organs, stimulating the parasympathetic nervous system, which induces a state of relaxation. This is particularly beneficial during Pitta season, when the heat can exacerbate stress and irritability. By incorporating forward bends, we can counteract the fiery energy of Pitta and cultivate a sense of inner peace.

Balancing the Digestive Fire:

Pitta season can lead to excess heat and inflammation in the body. Forward bends help balance this digestive fire, known as Agni, by promoting a cooling effect. This ensures efficient digestion without overheating, preventing issues such as acid reflux and indigestion that are common in the summer.

Restorative Poses for Cooling and Grounding:

Restorative yoga poses, such as Supta Baddha Konasana (Reclining Bound Angle Pose) and Viparita Karani (Legs-Up-the-Wall Pose), are perfect for cooling down during Pitta season. These poses involve gentle, supported stretches that allow the body to relax completely. They are designed to reduce stress, lower body temperature, and restore energy levels.

Promoting Lymphatic Drainage:

Restorative poses encourage lymphatic drainage, aiding in the removal of toxins and excess heat from the body. By lying in these supported positions, we allow the lymphatic system to function optimally, promoting a sense of lightness and vitality. This is particularly important during Pitta season when the body can feel heavy and overheated.

Cultivating Emotional Equilibrium:

The relaxing nature of restorative poses helps to balance the emotions, which can run high during Pitta season. The meditative quality of these poses allows for introspection and emotional release, fostering a sense of calm and clarity. This is especially valuable when the intensity of summer can lead to feelings of frustration and anger.

Embracing the Cooling Power of Inversions:

Inversions, such as Sarvangasana (Shoulder Stand) and Halasana (Plow Pose), offer a refreshing counterbalance to the heat of Pitta season. These poses encourage blood flow to the brain, cooling the mind and enhancing mental clarity. The cooling effect of inversions helps to lower body temperature and reduce inflammation.

Enhancing Circulation and Detoxification:

Inversions facilitate the movement of blood and lymphatic fluid, promoting detoxification and reducing heat buildup in the body. By reversing the flow of gravity, these poses help to alleviate swelling in the legs and feet, which can be common in the summer. The increased circulation also brings a sense of rejuvenation and vitality.

Nurturing the Heart and Soul:

The practice of inversions can be both invigorating and grounding, offering a unique blend of stability and lightness. During Pitta season, when the heart and mind can feel overwhelmed, inversions provide a moment of solace and introspection. They remind us to stay cool, calm, and connected to our inner wisdom.

Shītali Pranayama for Instant Coolness

Shitali Pranayama, or the Cooling Breath, is an excellent practice to incorporate during Pitta season. This pranayama technique involves rolling the tongue into a tube or pursing your lips like you are sipping though a straw, and inhaling through the mouth, followed by a slow exhalation through the nose. The cooling sensation of the breath on the tongue helps to lower body temperature and calm the mind.

Calming the Nervous System:

Shitali Pranayama activates the parasympathetic nervous system, promoting a state of relaxation and reducing stress. This is particularly beneficial during the summer when Pitta's fiery energy can lead to increased agitation and restlessness. Practicing Shitali Pranayama helps to soothe the mind and body, fostering a sense of tranquility.

Reducing Heat and Inflammation:

The cooling effect of Shitali Pranayama extends to reducing internal heat and inflammation, which are common during Pitta season. This practice aids in alleviating symptoms such as hot flashes, acid reflux, and heat rashes, making it an essential tool for maintaining balance during the summer months.

Enhancing Mental Clarity:

By calming the mind and reducing stress, Shitali Pranayama enhances mental clarity and focus. This is especially valuable during Pitta season when the mind can become clouded by the intensity of summer's heat. Regular practice of this pranayama technique supports a clear and focused mind.

As summer's vibrant energy fills the air, the practice of cooling and restorative yoga poses, combined with the refreshing breath of Shitali Pranayama, becomes a dance of harmony with the elements. Embracing the soothing essence of forward bends, the grounding nature of restorative poses, the refreshing quality of inversions, and the instant coolness of Shitali Pranayama during Pitta season not only supports physical health but also nurtures a profound sense of balance and tranquility. Step onto your mat, immerse yourself in the cooling flow of these asanas, and let the transformative power of yoga and pranayama illuminate your summer journey.


Seasonal Transition - Summer to Fall


Rosa Woodsii (Mountain Rose)