What is your Medicine?

"What is your medicine?"

A few years ago one of my teachers asked me this question. She referred to the medicine bundles carried by healers, containing feathers, herbs, shells, crystals, stones, bones, and smudges that hold spiritual and medicinal benefits. Each medicine holding the potential to bring healing to those it encounters and offer guidance and connection for the healer.


This past week, I traveled to New Orleans to lead cacao healing circles and a facilitation training called "The Art of the Healing Circle." One of the main topics of conversation was contemplating and discussing the question, "What is your medicine?" Medicine is a substance, treatment or practice that has the power to transform energy, prevent dis-ease and offer healing physically, emotionally, energetically and/or spiritually.


Each of us possesses unique medicines and offerings to share with one another. Determining your personal medicine requires introspection and self-reflection. It refers to your unique gifts, talents, qualities, and attributes that can contribute to the healing and well-being of yourself and others. Perhaps you are an excellent listener, a poet, offer compassion, have a contagious smile, or have a melodious singing voice, reminiscent of a bird's song. Each of these distinctive gifts create space for healing and personal growth. So I pose this question to you, what is your medicine?

Here are some steps to explore and discover your own medicine:

  1. Reflect on your strengths: Consider the skills, abilities, and qualities that come naturally to you. What are you passionate about? What activities or tasks do you excel at? These strengths often indicate areas where your medicine lies.

  2. Listen to feedback: Pay attention to how others perceive and appreciate you. What do people often seek your help or advice for? What do they value in your presence? Feedback from others can provide valuable insights into your medicine.

  3. Explore your passions: Identify the activities or causes that ignite your enthusiasm and bring you joy. What brings you a sense of fulfillment? Your passions are often connected to your unique medicine and can guide you towards discovering it.

  4. Consider your impact: Reflect on the positive impact you have on others' lives. How do you make a difference? Think about the ways in which you naturally contribute to the well-being, growth, and healing of those around you.

  5. Connect with your intuition: Trust your inner wisdom and intuition. Tune into your inner voice, and ask yourself what feels authentic and aligned with your true nature. Deep introspection and meditation can help you access your inner knowing.

Remember, your medicine is a personal and ever-evolving journey. It may encompass various aspects of your being, such as your skills, talents, presence, compassion, creativity, or unique perspectives. Embrace the exploration and allow yourself the space to uncover and express your medicine in ways that resonate with your authentic self.




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